California construction and contractor law is pretty clear – you have to have a contractor’s license to get paid. If you don’t have a license and the owner does not pay, the courts will not help. The intent of the Contractor’s State License Law is to prohibit unlicensed contractors from being paid, thus discouraging those who have failed to comply with the law from providing unlicensed services for pay, protecting the public from incompetence and dishonesty. In the case of an entity, such as a corporation, it is the entity itself which is licensed. In a recent decision in San Francisco, the court went out of its way rescued one contractor that couldn’t decide if it was a limited partnership or a general partnership. Obviously this contractor had not consulted an experienced Sacramento and Bay Area business attorney.
In Montgomery Sansome LP v Rezai, the building owner Rezai hired “Montgomery Sansome Ltd. Lp.” (That’s what the contract said.) After doing some work on their apartment building, Rezai fired the contractor. The contractor, calling itself “Montgomery Sansome Lp” (no “Ltd”) sued for $203,000. The owner said they were neither a party to the contract, nor a licensed contractor. Here is the crazy history of this contractor, in chronological order:
1. Montgomery Sansome LP filed a certificate of limited partnership.