An easement is the right of an owner of property (the “dominant tenement”) to use the property of another (the subservient tenement”) for a specified type and extent of use. Most common are roadway easements, to allow the owner of the dominant tenement (the easement holder) access to their own property. If the easement is by grant, as in a deed, hopefully the language clearly spells out the use, otherwise it has to be determined based historical use of the easement. For a properly drafted easement, it would be best to consult with an experienced Sacramento real estate attorney. Additionally, the owner subject to the easement has an obligation not to interfere with its use. Usually, this occurs when a roadway falls into disrepair, some obstruction is placed in the way, or a gate is installed. In a recent decision in So. California, the easement was clearly spelled out, but interfering owner refused to allow the easement holder to improve the road so she could get a building permit, and this was found to be obstruction of the easement.
In Flora Dolnikov v. Dikran Ekizian, the easement was located in the Hollywood Hills above Laurel Canyon Road. (Google map) The plaintiff Flora had a easement for access to her property (“ingress and egress”) Both parcels were undeveloped; Plaintiff’s lot was uphill from the defendant’s. Flora obtained building permits for two houses on her property. The slope of the easement was too steep and the right of way had fallen into disrepair so that all that remained of the original pavement was substantially covered with dirt and rocks from uphill. The easement was unsuitable for access. The County approved Flora’s grading plan which would lower the soil level 6-8 feet, and build a retaining wall. The defendant complained about the construction, and the County required that the defendant sign off on a community driveway covenant. Defendant refused, first demanding $100,00, then $200,000. This lawsuit was filed.
The trial court found after bench trial they the grading and wall were necessary for the use of the easement for its expressly intended purpose by plaintiff, the owner of the dominant tenement, and that their presence was not in any sense inconsistent with the nature of the easement and were authorized by the easement. Thus, they were a “necessary incident” of the easement. Despite this court order, defendant refused to sign off on the county permit.