A license gives authority to a licensee to perform an act or acts on the property of another pursuant to the express or implied permission of the owner. The licensor generally can revoke a license at any time without excuse or without consideration to the licensee. Also, the license is lost if the licensee conveys their property – the license is personal to the individual and does not attach to the land. However, the license can become irrevocable when a landowner knowingly permits another to repeatedly perform acts on his or her land, and the licensee, in reasonable reliance on the continuation of the license, has expended time and a substantial amount of money on improvements with the licensor’s knowledge. Under such circumstances, it would be inequitable to terminate the license. (Miller & Starr, as cited by Richardson v. Franc) Often in these cases, Sacramento real estate attorneys focus on whether the owner granted permission or the activity was obvious so that the owner was aware, and whether or not the actual expenditures were substantial. In a recent Northern California decision, none of these factors were even close, and an irrevocable license was found.
The court first found that there was no equitable easement established. This would have required the plaintiff – easement holder to be without knowledge, or the means of knowledge, of the facts. Here their Grant Deed on its face described the easement for access and public utility purposes. The landscaping and improvements are not required for these purposes. The owner is charged with knowing what their deed says, so they were with knowledge.
These defendants were way out of line to complain, and cut the irrigation and power lines. Unfortunately for the plaintiffs, success in this lawsuit does not provide for an award of attorney fees.