California usury laws restrict charging of interest greater than that allowed under the law. The legislature sees fit to determine what the maximum amount of interest that may be charged for a loan. There are a number of exceptions and considerations to the law. One important exception, provided in the…
California Real Estate Lawyers Blog
California Construction Contracts and Arbitration – When the Issue is whether the contractor was unlicensed, Courts Can Throw Away the Arbitrator’s Decision.
I have written several times about the finality of Arbitration decisions, and haw they cannot be overturned even if the Arbitrator did not follow the law, or ignored the facts. Also discussed here has been the plight of the unlicensed contractor, and how he is not entitled to be paid,…
Jurisdiction of California Courts After the Civil Suit Is Decided – Sometimes It Continues, but There Are Limits
California Courts sometimes reserve jurisdiction over parties or an action after the case has gone to final judgment, for various reasons. Jurisdiction is generally the power to hear and determine the claims of the parties. Some examples of court’s holding on to jurisdiction are to to enforce settlement in an…
California Homeowners Associations can foreclose assessment liens, but must give notice after sale that the owner has 90 days to redeem- pay the debt and get the property back.
Homeowners associations in common interest developments have the ability to conduct a non-judicial foreclosure to collect delinquent assessment fees. However, the law places numerous restrictions on the association’s ability to foreclose to collect assessments. One of those restrictions is in provided the homeowner a right of redemption. I have written…
California Owners and Brokers have Duties To Potential Buyers; There may be liability for failure to warn of dangerous conditions.
It is well established that California real property owners have duties toward guests and people they invite to the property to let them know about concealed dangerous conditions. Even a foreclosing lender who takes possession of a house has a duty to disclose what they should know about, and the…
California real estate and the Doctrine of Merger; titles, easements, and leases can disappear sometimes if the lesser and greater estates are held by the same person.
It is a rule of California real estate that whenever a greater estate and a lesser estate in the same parcel of real property are held by the same person, without an intermediate interest or estate, the lesser estate generally merges into the greater estate and is extinguished. A greater…
California Motion To Compel Arbitration Granted If There Could Possibly Be Inconsistent Rulings. Judicial Admissions Work Both Ways, Not Just One Way.
California real estate transactions usually have provisions requiring that the parties arbitrate any dispute, rather than file a lawsuit. Sometimes they file suit anyway, and an opponent in the real estate contract dispute makes a motion to the court to order the parties to arbitrate, rather than litigate. The Code…
The Business Judgment Rule does not allow a California Board of Directors to rewrite a contract and expand its discretionary authority.
The business judgment rule is a policy under California law which protects directors of corporations in certain circumstances. It contains two parts. The first part is statutory, which protects directors from personal liability if they act, in good faith, in a manner such director believes to be in the best…
No requirement to allege tender of payment of the loan when trying to prevent a California foreclosure; and the court unlikely to take judicial notice of facts stated in a declaration.
Tender California law requires a plaintiff asking the court to set aside a foreclosure to offer to pay the full debt (called a “tender”). The general rule is that a plaintiff may not challenge the propriety of a foreclosure sale without offering to repay what they borrowed. The idea is…
California court finds FHA insured loans require following HUD guidelines prior to foreclosure, including face to face meetings.
Many California real property owners have challenged lenders foreclosure proceedings based on state and federal laws enacted the past few years to help homeowners during the real estate collapse.. In most cases, the courts have found that the laws do not create new, enforceable rights, with a few exceptions. Mis-interpretation…