When a foreclosure sale occurs, the lender often bids at the sale the entire amount due on the loan. If no one bids higher, they obtain the property. But are they entitled to then collect insurance for pre-foreclosure damage? Sometimes insurers obtain their own insurance policy, which covers them for…
California Real Estate Lawyers Blog
The Security First Rule – how a lender with multiple California properties as security for its loan must protect itself when releasing one of the properties from the deed of trust, and still get a deficiency judgment.
The security first rule is one of the numerous anti-deficiency protects provided to borrowers under California law. “Security first” means that a creditor must first exhaust all real property security through judicial process in the “one form of action” authorized by Code of Civil Procedure section 726–that is, a judicial…
Aiding and abetting breach of fiduciary duty – the two ways the aider may become liable.
Parties such as corporate directors, partners and managers of LLC’s owe each other a fiduciary duty, which is a duty of loyalty and a duty of care. These are legal duties to act solely in another party’s interests, and not profit from their relationship with their principals unless they have…
Mixed Collateral Security – What the Lender Must Do to Be Sure It Avoids The California Antideficiency Rules
When the same debt is secured by liens on both real property and personal property, the lender has options as to how they are allowed to enforce their security interest. They can enforce against the real property under real property law, against personal property under the Commercial Code, or both.…
Collecting A Judgment against a Bankrupt LLC – When You Can Hold The Members Liable.
Individuals create LLCs, same with corporations, for ownership and investment purposes primarily to enjoy limited liability. If you invest $10 in an LLC and someone gets a huge judgment against the LLC, the most you could lose is your investment -the $10. The judgment creditor would not be able to…
Judicial Reference Better than Arbitration In California – But the reason the court can refuse to order reference
Judicial reference, unlike arbitration, works within the court system. A lawsuit is filed, and the judge appoints a referee to assist in the case, or decide it on their own. Parties can agree, in their contracts, that disputes are to be determined by a general judicial reference. This means the…
California Homeowner’s Insurance & Neighbor Lawsuits – How to determine if an encroachment was an “accident” that will be covered
Homeowners Insurance is not limited to fires, fallen trees, and general mayhem. When a homeowner is sued by a neighbor, the homeowner should routinely ‘tender’ the claim to the carrier (present the lawsuit to the insurance company, asking the insurer to provide your defense in the lawsuit). The question then…
The One Step a California Judgment Creditor Must Take In Addition to Recording An Abstract of Judgment to Collect Surplus Funds from a Foreclosure Sale.
A creditor who is awarded a money judgment in California must still collect the money that they are owed. The two most common steps they take are to garnish wages (if possible) and to record an ‘abstract of judgment’ in any county where the debtor owns real estate. The abstract…
What NOT to Do When Buying Property and Concerned about a Prescriptive Easement
Figure this – you are in the process of buying a commercial real property and you see service vehicles (such as FedEx, UPS, and other companies) from the neighboring business crossing over the property to access their business, and some of the other property employees parking in the soon-to-be your…
When a California Real Estate Broker is a Dual Agent, both the Listing and Selling Agents Are Dual Agents and Fiduciaries- How and Why That Makes A Difference
When a California real estate agent lists a property for sale with his broker, it is not unusual for another agent from the same brokerage to assist the buyer. When the same broker represents both parties in the transaction, that broker is a “dual agent,” and owes fiduciary duties to…