
Articles Posted in real estate law


California homeowner sues loan servicer, but servicer files cross claim for judicial foreclosure. Servicer can file in its own name, and this borrower may be liable for deficiency two different ways.

Usually, residential lenders do not file judicial foreclosures. Rather, they prefer to hold a trustee’s sale to get the property back. This is a much faster, and streamlined, process which is governed by statute. In holding a trustee’s sale foreclosure however, the lender gives up any rights to a deficiency…


California Quiet Title actions; a lawsuit to resolve disputes between different claims affecting title to real estate

There are many different types of interest is real property; outright ownership, easements, life estates, co-ownership, prescriptive rights, etc. Often there is a dispute between parties with conflicting claims as to property rights. Usually it is the case of someone with title and possession denying the rights of someone else…


California real estate lender surprised that C.C.P. 580b applies to settlement of lawsuit, denied deficiency judgment

It is a given under California law that a seller financing a purchase money loan in the sale of real estate may not get a deficiency judgment against the borrower, but is only entitled to foreclose the property. CCP section 580b provides that, when the buyer purchases property, if buyer…


New California SB 1069 – CCP 580b protects borrowers from deficiency judgments after refinancing real estate loans

California has a number of statutory provisions that provide borrowers with protection from deficiency judgments- personal liability for the loan balance remaining after a foreclosure sale. There is protection if the seller takes back the note, or, in the case of a standard third party loan, if it is a…


Bad Faith Waste & Intentional Impairment of Security – when a California borrower is liable for harm to the real estate that secures their loan. Part 2, impairment of security.

I wrote last about a Sacramento developer who demolished the building on a property to build a mixed-use development. But, the market crashed, the developer defaulted, and the property was foreclosed by trustee’s sale. The lender than sued; in the last post I discussed the claim for bad faith waste.…


Bad Faith Waste & Intentional Impairment of Security – when a California borrower is liable for harm to the real estate that secures their loan. Part 1, bad faith waste.

It is a general rule of California real estate law that the possessor of property, whether as owner (with a loan against the property), or tenant, not to commit waste. Waste is any act, omission, or neglect that materially reduces the market value of the property. When you take out…


California Mechanics Liens and Bankruptcy -The Rules on recording and foreclosing the lien

California law provides that a contractor or supplier of materials who furnishes labor or materials for construction on real property may record a notice of lien (known as a mechanic’s lien) against the property. (Civil Code 3115) If the contractor is not paid, they then have 90 days from recording…


California Civil Code 2079 only establishes the selling broker’s duty to inspect and disclose- the code does not apply to buyer’s broker. What about the section’s statute of limitations, and the Buyer broker’s duty?

It is common knowledge in California that real estate brokers have a duty to perform a reasonably diligent inspection and to disclose material findings with the prospective purchases. This applies to both seller and buyers agents. The Transfer Disclosure Statement (Civil § 1102.6) requires both the Seller & Buyer agents…


California Commercial Loan Guaranty Means What It Says; The Guarantor Is Liable, and the lender does not have to foreclose the property first.

I wrote in March about the loan guaranties and how the guarantor can waive antideficiency protections. A recent decision out of Sacramento concerned a commercial loan where, because of the drop in property value, the lender did not bother to foreclose but went directly to the guarantor, and was successful.…


California Civil Code section 2923.5, Which requires foreclosing lender to explore options to avoid foreclosure, creates a private right of action for the borrower.

The economic crisis and the subsequent foreclosures resulted in the California legislature enacting a number of laws to assist homeowners and tenants of houses in trouble. One such law, Civil Code section 2923.5, requires that the foreclosing party must first contact the borrower, assess their financial condition, and explore options…

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