
Articles Posted in real estate law


The Sham Guaranty in California – How to Avoid By Making Sure There is Separation Beween the Borrowower & Guarantor

I have written in the past about Sham Guaranties – this is a guaranty of a loan where the guarantor has such a close identity with the borrower that they are in effect providing a guaranty of their own loan. Such a sham guaranty is not enforceable. A typical scenario…


In California if you Obstruct a Prescriptive Easement, the Court can Require You to Remove the Obstruction, Even if it is a Commercial Building.

A prescriptive easement is a right established in someone else’s property by using that property in a consistent way over a period of at lease five years. The easement holder starts out as a trespasser, If the true owner does not take action to stop the trespass, or establish that…


Deeding California Property to Someone To Avoid Creditors Not a Fraudulent Conveyance When There is No Equity; How the Homestead Exemption Helps Beat Intentional Fraud

When someone who owes a debt transfers property out of their name in order to prevent the creditor from collecting against that property, the transfer may be set aside under the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (UFTA, California Civil Code section 3439.04 et seq.). AN important element of a fraudulent conveyance…


A Private Easement for “Public Road Purposes;” its Still A Private Easement Enforceable Only By the Private Parties

A public right of way, while it may be described as an easement, is much different from a private easement. The Supreme Court explained that ‘public ways, as applied to ways by land, are usually termed “highways” or “public roads,” and are such ways as every citizen has a right…


When Can You Use Equitable Subordination of California Real Estate Loans To Get The Priority You Bargained For?

  “Equitable subordination” is used to correct equitable wrongs in the priority of liens on real property. If fairness requires, a first lien or deed of trust can be subordinated, or reduced in priority below, a second lien, swapping their positions. (Civ. Code, §§ 2876, 2903, 2904. A lengthy description…


General reference of California disputes – How you can avoid a courthouse trial without having to deal with unpredictable arbitration

Parties can provide in their contracts that any dispute be resolved by “general reference.” A general reference directs a referee to try all issues in the action. The hearing is conducted under the rules of evidence applicable to judicial proceedings. In a general reference, the referee prepares a statement of…


Fraud in the inducement evidence not barred in real estate contracts between sophisticated parties

I recently described a decision that overruled the rule that a borrower may not make a claim for fraud based on the other party misrepresenting what the contract will say (The Pendergrass Rule). In the past borrowers who claimed that their mortgage broker or lender made promises about their loan…


The Performance Deed of Trust, Used in California to Secure Obligations other than Payment of Money. When It Can Be Reconveyed.

A Deed of Trust in California can be used to secure contract obligations other payment of money. Usually, the primary obligation secured is the repayment of the loan. There are ancillary duties usually set out in the deed of trust, such as keeping the property in good repair, maintaining insurance,…


Joint Tenancy in California Real Estate – Termination of Family Joint Tenancy Can Trigger Reassessment. Pitfalls of Using Them As A Will Substitute

According to the California Legislature, the vast majority of joint tenancies in California are used as a will substitute among family members. In a joint tenancy, the survivor among the title holders “inherits” the property. This is different from holding the property as tenants in common, in which case each…


Prescriptive easements and landlord -lessors. When the easement can be established against the owner of rented property in California.

A landlord or lessor does not have any possessory interest in the property during the term of the lease. That is the nature of a lease – the owner transfers the right to possession to the lessee. But what if, during the lease term, a third party trespasses on the…

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